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Friendship Foundation Board Members


Gregory A. Richardson – President

Roderick P. Taylor – Vice President

Shelton Stark – Secretary

Derrick Harris Sr. – Treasurer

Andre Young - Director

Keith Hunt – Director

John E. Manigault – Director

Dr. Kevin Pruitt – Director

LeMoy Adams – Director

Sterling Powell – Director

Danny Vereen Sr. – Director

Otis Jordan - Director

Dr. Carl E. Gilmore - Director


Founded in 2003, The Friendship Foundation is a 501c3 organization whose primary objective is to provide academic and personal enrichment opportunities for students in the metropolitan Orlando area.  As such, the Foundation collaborates with the Chi Tau Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. to facilitate “at-risk youth” and community service programs. Our outreach encompasses three (3) service initiatives: 


Education, Scholarship, and Health



Includes tutoring, mentoring, homework & career preparation assistance, fieldtrips (for exposure), and life-skills growth and development. These programs have improved both school attendance and grades, resulting in increased youth engagement in school and their communities.



Has provided financial assistance to over 90 college-bound youth averaging over $10,000.00 annually over the past decade.



Includes free health screenings, panel discussions with local Physicians and Dentists, healthy eating education/information, and exercise programs (Golf, Football, Basketball and other youth activities) – All much needed programs for the youth!!


Other Community Service Programs include:


  • Senior citizen Mother’s and Father’s Day lunches


  • Day trips outside of the Senior Center


  • Spa/Barber Shop grooming visit inside the Senior Ceters


  • Free Turkey (and fixings) Give Aways at Thanksgiving to needy families (40+ annually)


  • Free Bicycle Give Aways at Christmas to kids in the community (20+ annually)


  • Food Drives


  • Contributions to Head Start Reading/Book Programs in the community


Our programs continue to touch the lives of Central Florida families with oer over 10,000 volunteer service hours annually.



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